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VIBRO-METER VM600-CSA 204-040-100-211 Control System Module

VM600-CMC16|Vibrometer VM 600 series condition monitoring system

The MPC4 machinery protection card is thecentral element in the VM600 series machineryprotection system (MPS], from Meggitt’sVibro-Meter” product line. This very versatile cardis capable of measuring and monitoring up tofour dynamic signal inputs and up to two speedinputs simultaneously.
The dynamic sianal inputs are fully programmableand can accept signals represenfingacceleration,velocity and displacement(proximityl.amona others.On-poard multi-channel processing allows measurement ofvarious physical parameters,including relativeand absolute vibration, Smax, eccentricity, thrustposition,absolute and differential housingexpansion,displacement and dynamic pressure
Digital processing includes digital filteringintegration or differentiation (if reguired),rectification (RMS,mean valve, true peak or truepeak-to-peak),ordertracking(amplitude andDhase)and measurement of the sensor-fargetgaD.
The speed (tachometer) inputs accept signalsfrom a varety of speed sensors,including systemsbased on proximity probes,magnetic pulse pickup sensors or TL signals. Fractional tachometerratios are also supported.
The configuration can be expressed in metric orimperial units. Alert and Danger set points are fullyprogrammable,as are alarm time delay.hysteresis and latching. The Alert and Dangerlevels can also be adapted as a function of thespeed or any extemal informafion.
A digital output is available internally (on thecoresponding lOC4T input/output card) for eachalarm level.These alarm signals can drive fourlocal relays on the lOC4T card and /or can berouted using the yM600 rack’s Raw bus or OpenCollector(OC) bus to drive relays on opfionalrelay cards such as the RLCló orlRC4.
The processed dynamic (vibration) signals andspeed signals are available at the rear of the rack(on the front panel of the lOC4T) as analogoutput signals.Voltage-based (0 to 10 V) andcurrent-based(4 to 20 mA) signals are provided.

An LED indicator on the MPC4 front panelindicates whether a processing or hardware erolhas occurred.Six additional LEDs (one per inputchannel) indicate whether the OK System hasdetected a fault and whether an alamm hasoccurred on the channel.
The MPC4 card is available in three versions: a”standard” version,a”separate circuits” versionand a “safety”(SlL) version, all of which functionas a card pair using a corresponding lOC4T input,output card.
Different versions of the MPC4 card
The MPC4 card is available in different versionsincluding “standard”,“separate circuits” and“safety” (SlL) versions.In addition, some versionsare available with a conformal coating appliecto the circuitry of the card for additionalenvironmental protection against chemicalsdust,moisture and temperature extremes.
Both the ‘standard’version and the “safety”(SlL]versions of the MPC4 card are certified tolEC 61508 and lSO 13849, for use in functionalsafety contexts,such as SlL lin accordance withEC 61508 and PL c in accordance with
ISO 13849-1.
The “standard” MPC4 card is the original versionand supports all features and processing modesThe”standard” MPC4is intended for safetysystems using a VM600 rack with a limited rangeof cards,that is,”standard”MPC4/OC4T cardpairs and RLCl6 relay cards. lt has a VME.compatible slave interface so it is softwareconfigurable via VME when there is a CPUx cardacting as a rack controller in the VM600 rack. lt isalso software configurable via RS-232 (on the frontpanel of the card).

Vibro-meter VM600-ABE042 204-042-100-011 - Industrial Vibration Monitoring Module

VM600-ASPS|For power protection or monitoring in automated systems

The auxiliary sensor power supply (ASPS) is a powersupply unit with two 24 Voc outputs for use in theVM600 rack,from Meggitt Sensing Systems’Vibro.Meter product line.
The ASPS is mounted in the rear of the V600(ABE 04x)rack, adjacent to the rear panel of an ACinput RPS 6U from which it takes an AC mainssupply.Internally, each ASPS output consists of twoAC-DC converters wired in parallel to ensure highavailability,while the dual independent outputs canprovide redundancy.
The ASPS is designed to power external hardwaresuch asfront-end transducers andsignalconditioners, GSl-type galvanic separation units andother hardware requiring a +24 Voc power supply.
Installed in a VM600 rack, the ASPS can replace anAPF 19x mounted externally, thereby reducing wiringand simplifying the installation.
Vibro-meter VM600-ABE042 204-042-100-011 - Industrial Vibration Monitoring Module
From the Vibro-Meter@ product line
Auxiliary sensor power supply for VM600 racks
Input voltage: 100 to 240 VAc (typical)
Two independent 24 Voc outputs
Internal redundancy (two AC-DC converters peroutput) for high availability
Replaces an APF 19x and reduces externalwiring

Vibro-meter VM600-ABE042 204-042-100-011 - Industrial Vibration Monitoring Module

VM600-AMC8|Analog monitor card

The AMC8 is an analog monitoring card designedfor use with the WM600 rack-based systems formachinery monitoring and protectionapplications, from Meggitt’s Vibro-Meter®product line.This versafile card is capable ofmeasuring and monitoring up to eight analogsignal inputs simultaneously.
The AMC8 card is available in two versions: a’standard” version and a “separate circuits’version, both of which function as a card pairusing an appropriate lOC8T input/output card.
The AMC8 card is installed in the front of a VM600rack (ABE04x or ABE056) and the lOC8T input/output card is installed in the rear. Both cardsconnect directly to the rack’s backplane via twoconnectors.
An AMC8/l0C8T card pair provides eightchannels of temperature monitoring, acceptingboth resistance temperature detector(RD) andthermocouple(TC)temperature inputs, as well asprocess inputs.The source and type for eachchannel is selected when the card is configured
Cold-junction compensation (CJC) sensorprocessing,used for the thermocoupletemperature channels,is available on two of theeight channels and is also selected when thecard is configured.

An AMC8/l0C8T card pair is configured using theRS-232 port located on the front panel of theassociated AMC8 card (that is,standaloneoperation). The AMC8 card can also beaccessed via the VME bus by a CPUx cardpresent in slot 0 of the yM600 rack (ABE04x only)These interfaces allow operators to configureVM600 cards,access measurement results,viewdetailed board status,upload firmware updatesand much more.
The AMC8 card can drive four local relays on the0C8T card, as well as any of the ló relays on anRLC16 card using the VM600 rack’s Raw bus and/or Open Collector(OC) bus.
The cards also provide current-based (0 to 25 mA)analog signal outputs.Optionally, voltage-basedoutput is also supported.
Applications information
The AMC8/l0C8T card pair is highly suitable formachinery monitoring and protection in a widerange of industrial applications.
For further information on the use of AMC8/IOC8Tcard pairs in general, refer to theVM600 machinery protection system (MPS]hardware manual and the VM600 MPSx softwaremanuals.
For specific applications, contact your localMeggitt representative.

Vibro-meter VM600-ABE042 204-042-100-011 - Industrial Vibration Monitoring Module

VM600-ABE042|System rack

The VM600Mk2/VM600 ABE040 and ABE042 system racks are designed to house hardware for the VM600Mk2/VM600 series of mechanical protection and/or condition monitoring systems from the Megget Vibrometer ® product line.
The VM600Mk2/VM600 ABE04x system rack has two models :ABE040 and ABE042.
These are very similar, different only in the position of mounting brackets. Both racks have a standard height of 6U and provide mounting space (rack slots) for up to 15 single-width VM600Mk2/VM600 modules (card pairs), or a combination of single-width and multi-width modules (cards). These racks are particularly suitable for industrial environments where the device must be permanently installed in a 19 “cabinet or panel.

Different versions of ABE04x system racks support different installation options to support a variety of markets and applications.
The VM600 system rack features an integrated VME backplane that provides electrical interconnection between the installed VM600Mk2/VM600 modules (cards) : power, signal processing, input/output, relays, and CPUx “rack controllers”. The RPS6U also includes a power check relay, which is installed at the rear of the rack to indicate whether the installed RPS6U rack power is operating properly.
One or two RPS6U cabinet power supplies can be installed in the VM600Mk2/VM600 ABE04x system rack. A cabinet with a single RPS6U power supply (330w) can supply power to the entire chassis
Module (card) racks in applications with operating temperatures up to 50°C(122°F). In addition, two RPS6U power supplies can be installed in one rack to support rack power redundancy, or to provide non-redundant power to modules (cards) under a wider range of environmental conditions (see Power Supplies on page 4).
The VM600Mk2/VM600 processing module (card) is installed in the front of the rack, and the corresponding input/output module (card) is installed in the rear of the rack. Input/output modules (cards) provide connectors to connect sensors/measurement chains and share various signals with external systems such as DCS or PLCS.
In general, the VM600Mk2/VM600 ABE04x system racks are configured in the factory before delivery, so they are ready-to-use. Optionally, each module (card) can be reconfigured to meet the needs of a specific mechanical monitoring application, using the appropriate software package, from Megget VibroSight® :VM600 MPSx or Vibrosight ®.
For more information, please contact your local Meggett representative.

Vibro-meter VM600-ABE040 204-040-100-011, Core Processor Module

VM600-ABE040|VM600 frame meter

ABE040 is a VM600 system frame with a height of 19 “6U and 15 slots for fixing single-slot or dual-slot cards. Abe040 can accommodate a maximum of 12 functional cards (MPC4/AMC8/XMV16). Abe040 is suitable for cabinet or panel installation in industrial environments. The front of the frame CPUM/MPC4/AMC8/XMC16 and so on
Processing card and RPS6U power supply, at the back of the IOCN IOC4T/IOC8T XIO16T/RLC16 / IRC4 IO and relay CARDS, as well as the power input back, no card slot with blind plate cover.
ABE040 is an integrated VME backplane bus. The ABE040 is electrically isolated from each other, including power supply, signal processing, data collection, and input and output. The frame requires one or two RPS6U power modules to provide independent or redundant power supply. In the case of redundant power supply, the power supply of each RPS6U is 50% full. When one RPS6U power module fails, the other RPS6U power module switches to 100%. The rear of the frame has a power failure relay output, which can be set to operate when any or all power is lost.
Vibro-meter VM600-ABE040 204-040-100-011, Core Processor Module
VM600 1U 19 “frame This is used to install the machine protection and condition monitoring card of the VM600 series of VIbro-meters.
The standard height 1U 19 “frame provides mounting space for VM600 series cards. This frame is particularly suitable for industrial environments where equipment must be permanently installed in 19 “cabinets or panels.
The rack has an integrated backplane that provides integration between the electrical interconnect power unit (RPS1U) and VM600 card mounting. There is also a power status relay behind the back plate to indicate whether the power is working properly.
The RPS1U power supply is available in DC and AC power supply, with a variety of voltage ranges. IOC I/O cards are installed at the back of the frame. The clamp is provided with terminals for connection to the sensor/preprocessor and signal connection terminals for output to the external control system.
The frame is usually configured in the factory and the meter received by the user can be used directly. Or each card can also be configured on site through the configuration software for each card. Software includes VM600 MPS1, MPS2, or VibroSight ®.

VIBRO METER VM600 CPU M, Modular Control Module 209-595-200-232

VM600-204-040-100-012|Vibration monitoring system

From the vibro-meterproduct line19″ system racks with a standard height of 6URobust aluminium construction
Modular concept allows specific cards to beadded for machinery protection and/orcondition monitoring
Cabinet or panel mounting
Backplane supporting the VME bus, theVM600Mk2/VM600 system’s Tacho, Raw andOpen collector (OC) buses, and power supplydistribution
Uses the VM600Mk2/VM600 RPS6U rack powersupply: AC and/or DC input versions
Power supply check relay

The VM600MK2/VM600 ABE040 and ABE042 systemracks are used to house hardware for theVM600Mk2/VM600 series of machinery protectionand/or condition monitoring systems, fromMeggitt’s vibro-meter@ product line.
Two types of VM600MK2/VM600 ABE04x systemrack are available: the ABE040 and the ABE042.These are very similar, differing only in the positionof the mounting brackets. Both racks have astandard height of 6U and provide mountingspace (rack slots) for up to 15 single-widthVM600Mk2/VM600 modules (card pairs), or acombination of single-width and multiple-widthmodules (cards). These racks are particularlysuitable for industrial environments. whereequipment must be pemmanently installed in 19″cabinets or panels.
VIBRO METER VM600 CPU M, Modular Control Module 209-595-200-232
The different versions of ABE04x system rackenable different mounting options to supportvarious markets and applications.
The VM600 system rack has an integrated VMEbackplane which provides the electricalinterconnections between the installedVM600Mk2/VM600 modules (cards): power supply.signal processing, input /output, relay andCPUx ‘“’rack controller”. lt also includes a powersupply check relay,available at the rear of therack, which is used to indicate that the installedRPS6U rack power supplies are operatingnormally.
Either one or two RPSoU rack power supplies canbe installed in a VM600Mk2/VM600 ABE04x systemrack.A rack with one RPS6U power supply (330 Wversion) supports the power requirements for a fullrack of modules (cards) in applications withoperating temperatures up to 50°C(122°F).

Vibro-meter VM600-RPS6U - High Precision Industrial Controller

VM600 RPS6U|VM600 frame meter

The RPS6U rack power supplies are designed for usein the VM600 series of machinery protection systemsand condition and performance monitoring systems,from Meggitt Sensing Systems’ Vibro-Meter productline.
The RPS6U is installed in the front of a VM600system rack (ABE04x), which has a standard heightof 6U, and connects via two high-current connectorsto the VME bus of the rack’s backplane. The rackpower supply provides +5 Voc and ±12 Voc to allVM600 cards in the rack via the backplane.
One or two RPS6U rack power supplies can beinstalled in a VM600 system rack. A rack can havetwo RPS6U rack power supplies installed for differentreasons: in order to support rack power supplyredundancy or in order to supply power to the cards(non-redundantly)
A VM600 rack with one RPS6U power supplyinstalled operates non-redundantly (without rackpower supply redundancy) and can support a full rackof cards,such as 12 xMPC4 /l0C4T card pairs or12 xXMx16/X1016T card pairs.
Vibro-meter VM600-RPS6U - High Precision Industrial Controller
A VM600 rack with two RPS6U power suppliesinstalled can operate redundantly (with rack powersupply redundancy) for a full rack of cards. Thismeans that if one RPS6U fails, the other will provide100% of the power requirement and the rack willcontinue to operate, thereby increasing the availabilityof the machinery monitoring system.
Alternatively, a VM600 rack with two RPS6U powersupplies installed can operate non-redundantly(without rack power supply redundancy). Typically,this is only necessary for a full rack of cards inapplications where the operating environmentrequires RPS6U output power derating.
The number and type of RPS6U power suppliesinstalled in a VM600 rack, together with the number ofcards installed and the environmental conditionshelps determine the mode of operation of the RPS6Upower supplies as either redundant or non-redundant.See also Ordering information on page 14.
Various versions of the RPS6U rack power supplyexist, allowing a rack to be powered from extemal ACor DC mains supplies with a range of supply voltages.
A power supply check relay, available at the rear of aVM600 rack, indicates that the power supplies areoperating normally. Refer to the ABE040 and ABE042VM600 system rack data sheet for additionalinformation on power supply check relays.
In applications where the VM600 rack is powered byan AC mains supply, a VM600 auxiliary sensor powersupply (ASPS) can also be included in the rack. TheASPS provides +24 Voc outputs which can be usedby external hardware such as front-end transducers,signal conditioners and galvanic separation units.For specific applications, contact your nearest MeggittSensing Systems representative.

Vibro-meter VM600 IOC4T - I/O Module for Industrial Automation

VM600 IOC4T|Machine monitoring protection module

The lOC4T input /output card acts as a signalinterface for the yM600 series MPC4 machineryprotection card, from Meggitt’s Vibro-Meter@product is installed in the rear ofa yM600rack and connects directly to the rack backplanevia two connectors.
EachlOC4T card is associated with acoresponding MPC4 card and is mounteddirectly behind it in the VM600 rack (ABE04x orABE056).The l0C4T operates in slave mode andcommunicates with the MPC4, throughconnector P2, using an Industry Pack (IP]interface.
The front panel of the lOC4T (rear of the VM600rack)contains terminal strip connectors for wiringto the transmission cables coming frommeasurement chains(sensors and /or signalconditioners).The screw-terminal connectors arealso used to input all signals from and output allsignals to any external control system.
The lOC4T card protects all inputs and outputsagainst electromagnetic interference (EMl) andsignal surges and also meets electromagneticcompatibility (EMC] standards.
The lOC4T connects the raw dynamic (vibration)and speed signals from the sensors to the MPC4These signals,once processed, are passed backto the lOC4T and made available on the terminalstrip on its front panel (rear of VM600]. For thedynamic signals, four on-board digital-to-analogconverters(DACs) provide calibrated signaloutputs in the range 0 to 10 addition, four on.
Vibro-meter VM600 IOC4T - I/O Module for Industrial Automation

board voltage-to-curent converters allow thesignals to be provided as current outputs in therange 4 to 20 mA (jumper selectable).
The lOC4T contains four local relays that can beattributed to any specific alamm signals undersoftware control. For example, these may be usedto signal an MPC4 fault or a problem detected bya common alamm ($ensor OK, Alarm and Danger])in a typical application.
In addition,32 digital signals representing alarmsare passed to the rack backplane and may beused by optional RLCl6 relay cards and /or lRC4intelligent relay cards mounted in the rack(jumper selectable).
Applications information
When used as a card pair with an MPC4machinery protection card, the lOC4T is highlysuitable for machinery monitoring and protectionin a wide range of industrial applications.
For further information on the use of MPC4/IOC4Tcard pairs in general, refer to the
VM600 machinery protection system (MPS)hardware manual and the VM600 MPSx softwaremanuals. For information on the use ofMPC4/l0C4T card pairs in functional safetycontexts,refer to the refer to the yM600functional safety manual.
For specific applications, contact your localMeggitt representative.

MVME 147S-1 CPU Card: Advanced Industrial Control Module

MVME147S-1|Microprocessor unit (MPU) modules for embedded systems

Shared DRAM with Parity
SCSI Bus Interface with DMA Channel
MC68030 Microprocessor and MC68882 Floating-Point Coprocessor
VMEbus Master Interface (A32/D32 and A24/D16 Compatible)

The Motorola MVME147S is a double-high VMEmodule and is best utilized in a 32-bit VMEbus system with both P1 and P2 back-planes. The module has high functionality with large on-board shared RAM, serial ports, and Centronics printer port. The module provides a SCSI bus controller with DMA, floating-point coprocessor, tick timer, watchdog timer, and time-of-day clock/calendar with battery backup, 2KB of static RAM with battery backup, four ROM sockets, and A32/D32 VMEbus interface with system controller functions are also provided.

The MVME147S can be operated as part of a VMEbus system with other VMEmodules such as RAM modules, CPU modules, graphics modules, and analog I/O modules.
The MVME147SRF Motorola MPU VME Module may still be available for purchase and support from Artisan Technology Group beyond End-Of-Life (EOL) by the manufacturer (OEM).

GE IS200EROCH1ABB High-Performance Industrial Control Module

IS200EROCH1ABB|Has two backplane connectors

The IS200EROCH1A model is part of the EX2100 family produced by General Electric Industrial Systems. The EROC acronym in this part stands for Exciter Regulator Options Card. The board typically supports voltage regulator options, third-party GE ground detectors, and terminal board power connections.

The IS200ERGTH1A model is connected to the IS200eroCH 1A module and will be used to detect ground resistance leakage at any point within the generator’s excitation current. On the front panel of the IS200eroCH 1A model, there is a keyboard connector that can be used to connect the RS-232 cable. Another keyboard connector is located on the back of this model.

The IS200EROCH1A is capable of transmitting data from two locations on the regulator rack. On the panel of this model, there is a power LED located at the top of the board, near the board, with GE Energy on it. There are two ISBUS connectors and a tool D-pin connector below the power LED. The model integrates several circuits.

If you have any questions about this model, please feel free to contact AX Control for more information.

Frequently asked questions about IS200EROCH1A
What is the description of IS200EROCH1A board?

EROC board cards are single-slot 6U high cards. This model is installed in the leftmost slot of the simplex control module rack.
How is the IS200EROCH1A model used in a simplex control rack?

When the EROC model is used in a simplex control rack, it will provide ground detector oscillator output and induced voltage, as described in the EGDM board.
Are EROC and EGDM boards interchangeable?

Yes. As long as the EROC board is used in a simplex control frame, it serves the same function as the EGDM board and interfaces with the EXAM board, which is also used to detect ground field voltage.
Do you need to use multiple EROC models when running in simplex mode?

Nooooo. When the IS200EROCH1A board is running in a simplex control rack, only one of the boards is needed.


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