This GE IS200EPSMG2A printed circuit board product was originally designed and manufactured in a specific location within the EX2100 excitation control system family, which is detailed for convenience in the IS200EPSMG2A brief product description inserted above. The EX2100 series, as its full extended series name suggests, has a specific application in the excitation process. The original instruction manual material for the EX2100 series for this IS200EPSMG2A device is largely unavailable online, as it is indeed a now-obsolete legacy product line that was discontinued within a few years of its initial launch due to obsolescence of the feature line identified by the retailer. This IS200EPSMG2A device is not actually an original product of its specific EX2100 family features, as it must be considered an IS200EPSMG2 parent power module, notably lacking A Class A feature product revision of this IS200EPSMG2A product.

Hardware tips and specifications

The IS200EPSMG2A is a power module paired with the EPDM module, which will provide 125 VDC. When connected to an external module, 24 VDC power is sent to the EDCF, EDEX, and EGDM modules. The power supply associated with the M1, M2 and C controllers is located and installed under the control rack in one of the control cabinets. The IS200EPSM for this release is 2A. This means that this model is also not backward compatible. When powering EXTB and ECTB, it will be an isolated 70 VDC, with VDC used for contact wetting. Three self-contained power supplies are used to power the C, M1 and M2 controllers. When powered on, the power supply of the EPDM model connected to the IS200EPSMG2A will be converted to the power supply most suitable for use with the module.

For the best manual for installing and powering the IS200EPSMG2A, see the GEH-6632 EX2100 Excitation Control User Guide or the GEI-100462 manual specifically for the IS200EPSMG module. Given that this IS200EPSMG2A device belongs to the now largely obsolete old GE product family in the EX2100, it is not surprising to find that this IS200EPSMG2A product is not surrounded by a large amount of original relevant online instruction manual material. Therefore, the IS200EPSMG2A functional product number begins with the dual-function IS200 Series label, which is responsible for assigning the normal EX2100 series assembly version of the IS200EPSMG2A device and its domestic original manufacturing location. This initial dual-function IS200EPSMG2A product number section is followed by the EPSM Functional Product acronym, which was created to exist as a convenient shorthand alternative to the lengthy IS200EPSMG2A product number itself. This is also followed in the IS200EPSMG2A functional product number; The normal PCB protective coating style for this IS200EPSMG2A product and its Group 2 EX2100 series product group are delegated through another example of a dual-function named segment in the G2 series group label. The last tail A digit on the IS200EPSMG2A Feature product number indicates the Class A feature product version of the IS200EPSMG2A device.

Frequently Asked questions about IS200EPSMG2A
What is the power feed to the IS200EPSMG2A board?

The power supply fed to the IS200EPSMG2A board is 125 VDC of the EPDM model.
Is there a difference between IS200EPSMG2A and IS200EPSMG1A models?

According to the GEH-6632 EX2100 Excitation Control User Guide, there is no difference between the IS200EPSMG2A and IS200EPSMG1A models.
What is the location of the IS200EPSMG2A model?

The IS200EPSMG2A model is located in the power module under the control rack in the control cabinet.