DS200DCFBG1BLC|Dc feedback power supply
The DS200DCFBG1BLC is a power board designed by General Electric for the Mark V Series optional and replacement boards. Members of the family are cross-compatible with many GE branded shakers and drivers. The drives of DC2000, AC2000, CB2000, ME2000, and FC2000 can accept this power strip. This card provides system control level power to the driver it is mounted on and provides power to the case fan. The board’s source AC input is rated from 38 to 115 VAC. This VAC comes with a frequency range of 0 to 500 kHz, depending on the strength of the input voltage. Although the DS200DCFBG1BLC printed circuit board itself can be defined as a power board, the original power board developed in the Mark V turbine control system family was a DS200DCFBG1 power board that lacked the three important feature revisions of the DS200DCFBG1BLC product. As its extended name suggests, the DS200DCFBG1BLC Power Supply Board’s larger Mark V turbine control system family has specific applications in the management and control systems of automated drive components for wind, steam and gas turbines.
Hardware tips and specifications
The DS200DCFBG1BLC contains a number of complex circuit systems designed to power most of the drivers. The card includes AC and DC monitoring circuit, control level power supply circuit, motor excitation power supply circuit and drive circuit. The user can configure the 12 jumpers and 7 DIP switches on the card to meet any external requirements. The Board status is communicated to the user through the onboard indicator. Two LED indicators and a neon indicator are built into the card to provide users with important diagnostic and status information. The board’s three fuses are protected, ensuring that any major interruption or surge will not interrupt the current on the DS200DCFBG1BLC board or its larger Mark V Series automatic driver assembly. Be sure to regularly monitor voltage levels using the five test points integrated into the board. Fortunately, the specific functionality of the five test points of this DS200DCFBG1BLC product is described in the DS200DCFBG1BLC instruction manual embedded in the manual TAB above. The test points of this DS200DCFBG1BLC power supply board include:
P5 +5 V DC power supply test point
DCOM 0V test signal common reference point
P15 +15 V DC power supply test point
N15-15 V DC power supply test point
ACCT DCFB to SDCC ACCT signal test point
All test points listed above in this DS200DCFBG1BLC board assembly are named by a combination of their factory-printed naming label, specific voltage ratings, and the functionality of the DS200DCFBG1BLC printed circuit board and its larger Mark V turbine control System family of automatic drive components. The DCFB and SDCC boards for ACCT test point access for this DS200DCFBG1BLC product can also be purchased and repaired here, in a variety of different revision styles. You must follow the installation parameters provided by the DS200DCFBG1BLC and the drive. These guidelines will ensure that the motherboard and the system it is installed on perform as intended. In general, such DS200DCFBG1BLC printed circuit boards should be considered as electrostatic sensitive products that may have potentially lethal surface voltage during or after normal functional use. For wiring and installation instructions, refer to the series manual and the equipment data sheet. Technical support for all boards in the Mark V series was initially provided by manufacturer General Electric.