IS200TBAIS1C|Analog input/output terminal board
The IS200TBAIS1C printed circuit board is manufactured by General Electric for the Mark VIeS family of turbine control systems and turbine control system products. This IS200TBAIS1C printed circuit board, or PCB for short, was actually originally mass-produced by GE Energy, the alternative Energy gear subsidiary of the larger GE Automation Industrial Production. This IS200TBAIS1C PCB is better defined by the functional product description specified in its instruction manual as an analog input/output terminal board. The IS200TBAIS1C analog input/output terminal board is actually a modified version of the previously developed Mark VIeS turbine control system family; Modify the IS200TBAIS1 parent board by adopting the only Level C functional product revision.
Hardware tips and specifications
The IS200TBAIS1C analog input/output terminal board has a number of unique and interesting hardware features in its overall functional assembly, all of which contribute to its intended function in the Mark VIeS series assembly. The main feature of the IS200TBAIS1C board is that it provides 10 unique analog inputs and 2 analog outputs for the larger Mark VIeS controller assembly, all input signals can be configured as voltage or current signals with the IS200TBAIS1C analog I/O terminal board. The IS200TBAIS1C board is used in tandem with one to three compatible YAIC input/output packages that were developed for use in the same Mark VIeS turbine control system family. Now, some of the features of the IS200TBAIS1C analog I/O terminal board have been discovered to put its otherwise confusing set of hardware component inclusions fully in context, starting with the various input and output types accepted, including:
2 -, 3 -, and 4-wire transmitters simulate inputs
Externally powered transmitter simulates input
±5 V, ±10 V DC voltage analog input
0-20 mA analog output
While the various input and output types employed by the IS200TBAIS1C analog input/output terminal board are explained in great detail in the original product-centric instruction manual material, not much else is known about the IS200TBAIS1C PCB. In view of this, a breakdown of the functional IS200TBAIS1C product number is essential, starting with its IS200 series label. The IS200 series label beginning with the IS200TBAIS1C functional product number has the dual naming responsibility of the analog input/output terminal board; It is detailed as a common assembly model Mark VIeS series PCB manufactured at GE Energy’s plant site in Salem, Virginia. The IS200 series label is followed by the IS200TBAIS1C functional product number by the TBAI functional acronym; Create a convenient conversational or promotional shorthand alternative to lengthy IS200TBAIS1C product numbers. Additional information available by breaking down this IS200TBAIS1C functional product number includes the GE printed circuit board’s Class S special PCB coating style, its first group of Mark VIeS series groupings and its single Class C functional revision.