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GE IS200VRTDH1DAB: Advanced RTD Card Module for MarkVI Speedtronic System

IS200VRTDH1DAB|VME resistance temperature detector card

Are the three revisions of the IS200VRTDH1DAB product considered backward compatible?

Nooooo. Only the first two product versions of this IS200VRTDH1DAB device are backward compatible, as they both exist as matching functional styles for the Mark VI turbine control system family.
Does this IS200VRTDH1DAB PCB base printed circuit board use any factory drilling?

Nooooo. The base printed circuit board of the IS200VRTDH1DAB device was not factory drilled in any location as it was mounted using standard VME rack-mount components.
IS200VRTDH1DAB is a GE Mark VI PCB component. Originally released by GE under the name “Speedtronic”, the Mark VI is one of a family of steam/gas turbine management systems designed to improve reliability and reduce downtime in heavy-duty turbines. The Mark VI is built with triple redundant backup on key controls and includes a central control module that connects to a PC-based HMI (Human machine interface). This interface allows access to fan data from one location using specially designed fan control software. The Mark VI turbine control system family to which the IS200VRTDH1DAB device belongs must be considered an attractive product family in the larger automation industrial market, as it was one of the last product families developed by GE, utilizing patented Speedtronic control system technology. The technology first appeared in the mid-to-late 1960s with the launch of the Mark I series. This IS200VRTDH1DAB device is not the original product of its specific Mark VI series features; This will be the IS200VRTDH1 parent VME resistance temperature detector card, utilizing two functional product versions and a single illustrated configuration version of the device.
GE IS200VRTDH1DAB: Advanced RTD Card Module for MarkVI Speedtronic System

Hardware tips and specifications

The IS200VRTDH1DAB excitations resistance temperature device (RTD) and captures the resulting signal and then converts it to a digital temperature value. These values are transmitted to the VCMI and controller via the VME backplane. RTD short and open circuits are detected by out-of-range values. These “out-of-hardware” RTDS are removed from the scanned input to prevent adverse effects on other input channels. These out-of-range RTDS can be manually restored or automatically restored every 20 seconds if they are in range. This IS200VRTDH1DAB device isn’t surrounded by a lot of original available instruction manual material online, as it belongs to a family of products that GE continually removes from the Internet for copyright purposes. While this is true, this IS200VRTDH1DAB device makes good use of its GE primary manufacturing, as it comes standard with an IS200VRTDH1DAB feature product number, delegating many hardware details in a series of feature naming segments. For example, the IS200VRTDH1DAB functional product number starts with a dual-function IS200 series label, which commissions the normal Mark VI series components of the IS200VRTDH1DAB product and its domestic original manufacturing location. Some other related hardware details embedded in this feature product number include IS200VRTDH1DAB PCB:

VRTD Function product number
Conformal PCB coating style
The first group of Mark VI series products
Triple revision history
The front panel is connected to the IS200VRTDH1DAB by three screws; This front panel appears to indicate the position of the IS200VRTDH1DAB product in the standard VME rack-mount assembly of the standard Mark VI turbine control system family. The base printed circuit board of the IS200VRTDH1DAB product ensures voltage protection in a standard style through a series of standardized selection of voltage limiting hardware components and component specifications. The back of the board is filled with two backplane connectors. The IS200VRTDH1DAB has more than 200 integrated circuits, more than 200 capacitors and hundreds of resistors. Some components are located on the back. Both the board and panel are marked with the manufacturer’s logo and also carry the board ID number. Codes such as “6BA01” and “94V-0” are displayed on the surface.

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