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Vibro-meter VM600-RPS6U - High Precision Industrial Controller

VM600 RPS6U|VM600 frame meter

The RPS6U rack power supplies are designed for usein the VM600 series of machinery protection systemsand condition and performance monitoring systems,from Meggitt Sensing Systems’ Vibro-Meter productline.
The RPS6U is installed in the front of a VM600system rack (ABE04x), which has a standard heightof 6U, and connects via two high-current connectorsto the VME bus of the rack’s backplane. The rackpower supply provides +5 Voc and ±12 Voc to allVM600 cards in the rack via the backplane.
One or two RPS6U rack power supplies can beinstalled in a VM600 system rack. A rack can havetwo RPS6U rack power supplies installed for differentreasons: in order to support rack power supplyredundancy or in order to supply power to the cards(non-redundantly)
A VM600 rack with one RPS6U power supplyinstalled operates non-redundantly (without rackpower supply redundancy) and can support a full rackof cards,such as 12 xMPC4 /l0C4T card pairs or12 xXMx16/X1016T card pairs.
Vibro-meter VM600-RPS6U - High Precision Industrial Controller
A VM600 rack with two RPS6U power suppliesinstalled can operate redundantly (with rack powersupply redundancy) for a full rack of cards. Thismeans that if one RPS6U fails, the other will provide100% of the power requirement and the rack willcontinue to operate, thereby increasing the availabilityof the machinery monitoring system.
Alternatively, a VM600 rack with two RPS6U powersupplies installed can operate non-redundantly(without rack power supply redundancy). Typically,this is only necessary for a full rack of cards inapplications where the operating environmentrequires RPS6U output power derating.
The number and type of RPS6U power suppliesinstalled in a VM600 rack, together with the number ofcards installed and the environmental conditionshelps determine the mode of operation of the RPS6Upower supplies as either redundant or non-redundant.See also Ordering information on page 14.
Various versions of the RPS6U rack power supplyexist, allowing a rack to be powered from extemal ACor DC mains supplies with a range of supply voltages.
A power supply check relay, available at the rear of aVM600 rack, indicates that the power supplies areoperating normally. Refer to the ABE040 and ABE042VM600 system rack data sheet for additionalinformation on power supply check relays.
In applications where the VM600 rack is powered byan AC mains supply, a VM600 auxiliary sensor powersupply (ASPS) can also be included in the rack. TheASPS provides +24 Voc outputs which can be usedby external hardware such as front-end transducers,signal conditioners and galvanic separation units.For specific applications, contact your nearest MeggittSensing Systems representative.


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